Contemplation. Impact. Reverence
Do we ever just stop and contemplate the potential outcome of a specific action? If so how often? How big or small is the object of contemplation and what potential outcome could it have on one’s self, others involved, the immediate environment and expanding out into the collective consciousness. How often do we stop and pause before taking an action? What’s the rush? What impact is being made by the decision and is it a conscious and intentional decision or a subconscious decision that may have an adverse outcome and therefore unintentional impact? Contemplation leads to discovering and exploring the potential outcomes of our impact on a small personal and interpersonal scale as well as on a wide collective scale. It has the vast potential to expand and deepen our reverence for Life.
Contemplation; Because How We Feel, Think And Respond Matters
The state of Contemplation is a spaciousness in ones self that allows for brief detachment from the situation at hand. Contemplation cultivates a spaciousness within ourselves that allows curiosity and exploration. It allows answers to be revealed and subjective, ever evolving. Contemplation creates an expansiveness inside the now moment with pure, untapped potential outcomes. It ultimately leads us to making a decision either of action or inaction and how we respond creates an impact on our external reality and all involved in it.
Impact; The Effect We Have on Ourselves, Others And Our Environment
Through the doorway of contemplation we are able to access and perceive potential outcomes of our impact. How are we showing up and what effect will that have on ourselves, and the way we engage with our environment and those in it? Every thought that is acted upon creates a ripple in this reality. It solidifies and eventually materializes on this physical plane. Become conscious of yourself, your thoughts, your actions and the impact that they have in this reality. Become conscious of the reality you are creating and affirming for not only yourself but everyone involved. Your thoughts and words create reality, your actions reaffirm and solidify your words. Be mindful of the impact you have and wield your power with righteous intent. With the good of all in mind.
Reverence; Appreciation For All Of Life
Through perceiving the interconnectedness of all of Life we are able to appreciate Life and the seemingly small and mundane impacts that we have on Life. Life is fluid, it is interactive. We make an impact on this Earth. Every thought, every decision we make has a lasting impact on the collective consciousness and the generations to come. Life itself is going through an evolutionary process as are we. We are taking a part in her evolutionary journey. Find the stillness within yourself that allows for contemplation of your impact that you are making in this world. Let it be conscious. Let your life be a contribution and living testimony to creating Heaven on Earth. To creating peace, harmony and unity. Allow your thoughts and ideas to align with the highest truth and timeline. I invite you to work with the mystery of Life, to allow things to be unknown and to explore the unknown with open curiosity.
Consider your impact on the evolutionary process of life. Consider more than just yourself, consider the whole and the part you are playing in it. Consider your core values and contemplate whether or not they are in alignment before making a decision. Life is sacred and ever changing and you are changing it moment to moment. The future is undetermined. Be here now. Choose consciously now.